Sunday, October 5, 2008

Top Ten Delicious Discoveries about Social Bookmarking

10 through 5. Using a social bookmarking site such as Delicious is easy, easy, Easy, Easy, EASY, EASY!

4. I am more inspired to search online when I know others may see my bookmarks.

3. While I search more, I was ruthless about what I actually tagged in del.ici.ous. If I am going to include something that my peers or students will see, I want to watch the entire video or explore the site to see it is useful and of high quality.

2. Tagging forces me to consider all of the connections and applications for a particular site or video.

1. This will be a tool that I will maintain, use daily, and share with my colleagues!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Hi Jill,

I'm so glad that you have found delicious so helpful--I love it to, although I must admit that I'm not as good at keeping up with checking for new sites, etc. as I used to I tend to just add things. I do like it as a way of sharing great new sites with friends and colleagues! And you're right, it is so EASY!